“The time to start planning this fiscal year’s timely marketing campaigns is now.”

You’re daydreaming of skiing the fields of NSW or Victoria, but the winter season can also help your business. If you haven’t taken advantage of seasonal marketing campaigns before, this is your chance. In this article, we will examine the benefits of promoting your brand according to the calendar date. We’ll also give you strategy examples that your (future) clients can’t resist.


Why Timely Marketing Campaigns?

contextual marketing

A few businesses hold promotions at random times of the year, and for some reason, sometimes it works. However, being deliberate with your campaign is much more likely to yield better results and higher ROIs. If you decide to sell your services at 50% off without reason, a) the likelihood of reaching your targeted audience is low and b) those who do notice may sniff out desperation on your part. Make sure your next best promotional marketing idea is also timely.

The goal with seasonal promotions is not only to increase brand awareness but also to turn one-time buyers into long-term clients. If you create business cards, for instance, take advantage of the next top-tier tech conference and offer a discount for premium orders. By providing a relevant solution to the right people, you have the opportunity to wow them with your incredible services. Help them out at the right time and make sure they love what you do. The result will be happy, loyal future clients.



What Exactly Are Seasonal Promotions?

contextual marketing

Basing your marketing campaign upon the time of year isn’t just based on what kind of weather you’re experiencing (though that, too, is an option). The idea behind seasonal promotions is to identify people who need your services at a certain time of the year. You can base it on the following:

Annual events, such as summer vacation or back-to-school season.

  • Example: Parents will be looking for new clothes, tech devices, and school supplies at the end of winter. If your target demographic is 30 and 40-somethings with their own small businesses, this is also prime time to market your office supply company.

Recognised holidays, such as Valentine’s Day or Christmas.

  • Example: Widely celebrated holidays give you a chance to expand your demographic. Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to host a gratitude-inspired event. By giving away high-quality, carefully selected promotional merchandise, you can successfully (and memorably) spread the word about your brand.

Audience-specific holidays, such as National Golf Day or Earth Day.

  • Example: There is no lack of unofficially-recognised holidays throughout the year. Target your highly-specialised niche accordingly. If you own a golf coaching business, National Golf Day is your time to shine. Market your company with a themed promo product giveaway. Here are even more ways to promote your business through golf.

Regardless of what holiday-inspired campaign you choose, make sure that you are communicating with your ideal audience in the right context. The potential of curated, timely marketing campaigns cannot be understated.



Take Advantage of Contextual Marketing

contextual marketing

George Lavric stated, “Content on its own has no value. The only real measure of value when it comes to content is… its relevance and its impact.” Disregarding contextual marketing would be trying to sell winter coats as women are preparing for bikini season, or promoting fax machines to millennial entrepreneurs. In other words, marketing out of context is foolish. Always know who you’re talking to, what they’re looking for, and how you can help them.

If you’re still unclear about this marketing concept, we suggest reading Lavric’s “5 Easy Steps to Understanding Context Marketing.” A quote that summarises the article is: “Context marketing is the ability to deliver the right content or experience to the right person, in the right place, and at the right time.”


How to Proceed Relevantly

clock, calendar and card with shopping bags

As we’ve discussed, timing is everything. You may have the perfect marketing strategy, but it it’s not executed in the right context or in the right season, it may as well not exist. Now that you have this knowledge, contemplate the following:

1. Take a look at your calendar. What holidays or time periods are the best for promoting your business?

2. Who could most benefit from your services on these dates?

3. Don’t wait until next season or next year. What kind of potential clients could benefit now from winter promotional products?

4. You may have a general audience, but what niches do you specialise in that coincide with holidays?

If you have any questions about this article, contact us at Red Tomato. We are here to help you optimise your business potential! Also, be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter. so you don’t miss out on any pertinent marketing advice!

Have you used timely marketing campaigns in the past? If so, what was your experience? Do you have any advice on contextual marketing? Let us know in the comments below!