Executing a marketing campaign takes a lot of thoughtful strategising and planning to make it perfect. After putting so much work into the campaign, you wouldn’t want to activate it before ensuring it will have maximum impact.

Adding promotional merchandise into your marketing campaign is often a missed element that has great impressions. There are various ways to incorporate branded products into your campaigns to have the greatest impact on your target audience.

Make promotional merchandise the tangible link to connect the dots of your marketing campaign.

Your campaign will have various digital touch points with your target audience: an optimized website, landing pages, social media, email campaigns, content, etc. Promotional products are a strong way to connect all of the digital components.

In fact, 62% of audiences that receive a promotional product from a company will do business with them in the future. A marketing campaign with a strong digital strategy is vital, but incorporating promotional merchandise will increase impact on your audience.

For example, you can entice potential clients to sign up for a content offer with a free branded gift. Need some inspiration? Read how to incorporate promotional merchandise into your upcoming email marketing campaign.


Utilize promotional merchandise as a memorable way to give someone your contact details

84% of people who receive a promotional product will remember the advertiser on a product they receive. Why? If the product is useful, they will see your brand and contact details every time they use the product.

For example, as part of a winter campaign your company is gifting a branded mug filled with hot chocolate to qualified leads. Your potential client who receives the mug will have a memorable experience of enjoying hot chocolate and associate that experience with your brand. Furthermore, every time that client uses the mug for coffee in the morning, they will see your brand


Incorporate branded products into your marketing campaign to increase recognition

What are the best practices for incorporating promotional products into your marketing campaign in order to increase recognition? Here are some tips for maximizing effectiveness in your marketing campaign:

1. Use promotional merchandise that is useful. 81% of people receiving a branded gift keep them because they are useful. Which products are the most useful? Studies have shown that bags are the wearable used most frequently and deliver the most impressions. Need some inspiration? Check out our reusable bags for merchandise ideas in your next marketing campaign.

2. Choose branded products that are timely. You might find a beautiful umbrella that looks great with your logo on it, but if your marketing campaign is running during the summer, your target audience will not find it useful. Maybe try a branded bottle of sunblock instead?

3. Be strategic. Not only with which branded product you choose to incorporate into your marketing campaign, but also when you will deliver it to your potential customer. Remember, a marketing campaign is a story and a branded tangible product needs to be part of the narrative.

Need help strategising how to incorporate a promotional product into your upcoming marketing campaign? Let’s chat.