It’s almost that time of year again! The end of the financial year in Australia is coming up soon, and we are ready to prepare you to use it to your advantage. So, how did your team perform this financial year? Did you reach your goals? Last year we shared tips on how to use your end of the financial year budget to win clients and show customer appreciation.

At Red Tomato, we do as we say, and got great results on our very own “Christmas in July” campaign. This year, we are sharing with you some end of the financial year marketing tools to help you reach your goals.

We are going to walk you through and give you the tools you need to end the financial year on a strong note and reach your sales and EOFY marketing goals.

Here are the five most important steps and tools in our end of the financial year marketing tool kit:

1. Reconcile your goals from this past year

What did you aim to accomplish? Where are you now and what do you want to achieve further ahead? Setting goals is vital to accomplishing your team’s key results; and reviewing your progress is just as important. Use our worksheet to define where you are at now and to help you set up goals for the upcoming year.

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EOFY planning

2. Measure your progress with clear reports

It’s great that you met your team’s goals for this past year, but what were the business results? What is the business case for your marketing efforts? Use our Marketing ROI Calculator tool to prepare clear, concise reports for your company’s leadership to understand the results of your marketing efforts. Measure your ROI in less than 45 seconds! 

Two images one is a calculator and the other are graphs

3. Run a last minute end of the financial year campaign

Ready to end the financial year with a win? Plan a last minute marketing campaign to close new customers with promotional merchandise for the end of the financial year. Red Tomato is ready to help you use these last months to your advantage with our fast turnaround times and perfect budget. Check out our recipe to add some hot sauce and spice up your marketing for your end of the year campaign.

Explore last minute products for the end of the financial year

4. Share the love with those who have loved you!

Be grateful for your current clients, employees, and suppliers for supporting you throughout the year. Have some extra budget at the end of this year? Corporate gifts for existing customers can increase customer loyalty and are a great way to increase sales in the upcoming year. Employee appreciation campaigns can increase employee happiness and engagement; it’s been proved that employees that are happy with the culture of their workplace are more productive. Need some inspiration? Check out our 6 Pillars of Employee Engagement.

EOFY product giveaway

5. Get a head-start on planning for the new financial year

Don’t wait for the last minute to plan for the upcoming year. Set your new objectives and get your plan in place for your marketing campaigns. Not just for the upcoming quarter, but for all four seasons.

EOFY marketing planning

Need a campaign before the end of this financial year? Want to close the deal with prospective clients before this year is over? Would like to show some appreciation to your current clients and/or employees? Contact us at Red Tomato to develop the perfect solution for this EOFY! Email or call us directly on 1300 776 733 for more information.