Customer loyalty doesn’t begin after you make the sale. Their are four main stages for obtaining and keeping a client: attract, convert, close, and delight. Every single stage in this process is essential for increasing customer loyalty to your brand.
So how do you increase customer loyalty? There are various ways to increase your customer loyalty while still staying true to your brand and making your company stand out amongst the competition.
1. Implement outreach processes
Delighting your customers needs to come at every single stage in the buyer process in order to increase customer loyalty to your brand. Implementing outreach processes can be a good way to delight customers at any stage. Outbound email campaigns, providing helpful tips, and recommending resources can be a great way to delight your customers at every stage in the buyer process, even after they make a purchase.
Provide helpful content
It is much more cost-effective to keep a loyal customer happy than to continually obtaining new customers. Sending out a free eBook or a downloadable guide or template can be a great way to keep customers loyal to your brand both before and after you make the sale. It’s vital not to forget to delight your customers after you sold them your product or service. Returning customers are essential and can provide great referrals for future sales. Sending out a a genuinely helpful piece of content will show your customers you care about them even after you made the sale.
2. Sending promotional gifts to increase customer loyalty
Customers that receive a branded gift from a company are more than 85% percent likely to do business with that same company. With a strategic plan for gifting promotional products, customer loyalty towards your brand is almost guaranteed to increase. Timing and usefulness are two of the most important factors when creating a strategy to gift promotional products in order to increase brand loyalty.
For example, for Red Tomato’s 10-year anniversary we sent out a campaign integrating email and promotional gifts. Our account managers sent out high-quality “birthday” cards to all of our clients which was also accompanied by an email. The email contained a call to action which offered our clients a free gift – a branded box filled with a 1kg block of chocolate and a little hammer to smash and share it with colleagues! These thoughtful, and well-timed gifts increase Red Tomato’s customer loyalty and brand awareness.
3. Discounts
Offering your customers (or potential customers) special discounts and exclusive offers can increase their sense of brand loyalty. Why? Because it shows that you care about your customers enough to provide them with exclusive offers. Offer these types of discounts also instills a sense of urgency for them to act on the offer.
For example, you could have a special offer in which customers share your brand’s social media post within 24 hours in order to receive a special discount or free gift with a purchase. This implements a sense of urgency to act on an offer in addition to a sense of customer loyalty because they will receive a special discount from your brand.
4. Rewards for purchase
Enticing customers to make a purchase with an offer to receive a reward, will both increase sales and customer loyalty if executed correctly. For example, Red Tomato’s “Ugly Christmas Sweater” campaign encouraged customers to place an order before the end of the financial year. If they did, they would receive a free ugly sweater. The campaign was both fun, and a win-win for both Red Tomato and their clients.
Customer loyalty using a points-back system
This is probably one of the most common examples of a customer loyalty program. Grocery stores and coffee shops that offer “points” for purchases that can be exchanged for discounts or free items. A points-back system is a good way to both increase revenue and customer loyalty.
5. Input
Customers, especially millennial customers, want to contribute to the evolution of a brand. Customers want to feel like they are part of the brand and can identify with its message. Asking customers for input can increase customer loyalty because they feel loyal to a brand they helped build.
A perfect example of this is Lego’s “Kronkiwongi” campaign. In this campaign, Lego asked kids to build a “Kronkiwongi” (a word Lego invented) and encouraged kids to use their imagination. Kids all over the world submitted their creations and explained what a “Kronkiwongi” does. The campaign was heartwarming, viral, and increased international customer loyalty towards Lego.
Golf is good for your business. Whether you run a technology start-up or specialise in aerodynamic golf clubs, incorporating golf into your marketing strategies can be highly beneficial. It doesn’t matter if your only experience with the sport was playing putt putt as a kid. We can still show you how to use golf to promote your business with promotional merchandise.
The Facts of Popularity
Studies done by the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) of Australia have shown that the sport’s popularity is consistently growing. While national participation was at 1.18 million in 2013, by 2015 this figure had grown by 7.2 percent. It is clear that golf’s 2016 Olympic debut in Rio and overall global interest have continued to increase. Some of the world’s best golfers are now attending Australian tournaments. Based on the facts, it appears that the sport’s popularity is here to stay.
How Golf and Business Promotion are Related
So, what is the link between golf and business promotion? First off, the demographic of golf players tends to be a successful, business-minded individual. Tapping into this demographic will allow you to forge connections with people you otherwise might not have access to. These people tend to favour quality products, and this could translate into a profitable relationship.
Ways to Use Golf to Promote Your Business Using Promotional Merchandise
One way to break into the realm of golf is to host a Golf Day for your company and clients. This fun, memorable occasion will allow you to further your bond with attendees, enhancing brand loyalty. Make sure to plan ahead and have plenty of promotional merchandise on hand. There’s nothing more enticing to golfers than free golf products. If you’re not sure how to use golf to promote your business during your Golf Day, be sure to check out our helpful list here.
Another way to get your foot into the world of golf is to become a sponsor at a tournament. Something as simple as sponsoring a hole or holding a raffle is an excellent way to spread the word about your business. Brand exposure is priceless, especially among high profile players and other organisations. By sharing your passion and networking effectively, you could also potentially collaborate with big names on the course, such as Titliest, Callaway, Taylormade, and Adidas. Remember to present yourself in a professional manner, but also to keep the atmosphere enjoyable. There’s nothing more irritating than trying to play a round of golf while having a salesperson forcing you to buy their product.
If hosting a Golf Day doesn’t seem like a fit for your business, there are plenty of other ways you can use golf to promote your business. Look up local charity events and donate golf-related promotional merchandise. If you are a knowledgeable golfer, consider volunteering to give kids free lessons at your local golf club. Remember that, by being creative and thinking outside the box, there are an endless amount of ways that this sport can help bolster your sales and brand recognition.
Have you used golf to promote your business? Do you have any tips that we missed? Please share your experiences or questions with us in the comments below!
The main reason people keep promotional items is because they’re genuinely useful. That’s why products like pens, notebooks, and t-shirts are so popular—they provide real value. Beyond simple utility, branded merchandise as a branding tool and finding effective ways to use these items can enhance how customers connect with your brand. Here are some of the newest wearable promotional products to make your brand stand out:
Promotional clothing
Wearable promotional clothing like t-shirts and shorts can be a great way to stand out to your target audience. Not only does promotional clothing build a sense of loyalty to your brand in the person who receives it, it also shows off your brand to anyone who sees that t-shirt or clothing being worn.
Gifting promotional clothing is a great way to build trust with a larger audience. While you may only be gifting the item to one single person, they are acting as a walking and talking recommendation of your brand to the public.
Genuinely useful promotional products like caps, socks, thongs are a great way to connect with your audience. People will use wearable promotional products that are useful to them and they will think of your brand whenever they use your product. However, as with any promotional product campaign, timing is essential.
For example, a beer company wants to give out promotional cap during summer to promote the launch of a new beer. They pair the campaign with a deal for a cricket match. Anyone who wears the cap to the match will receive a 20% discount on any purchases of their beer at the match. This is a useful product for the type of event, a well as for the product campaign it’s promoting.
Wearable tech
Wearable technology’s popularity, and revenue, is increasing year to year. These types of products in the fitness sector are arguably the most popular; including wearable fitness trackers and footwear designed to sync with your smartphone. However, from smartwatches to period cycle trackers, there are many other wearable technology that your brand can use in their promotional product campaign.
Tips for running a campaign with wearable promotional products
1. Keep in mind the importance of colours
Colours are important for your branding and your messaging. Colours of your wearable promotional products look nice and stay consistent with your company’s branding. They should also go along with the psychology of the message your want to portray to your customer.
2. Deliver consistent and clear brand message
As with any promotional product, wearable products must be used only when it makes sense for your campaigns. You wouldn’t gift promotional long-sleeve shirts when you’re trying to get customers to purchase bathing suits for summer. Use wearable technology products only when it makes sense for the message you are trying to convey.
3. Stay simple
There’s no need to purchase an extremely complex or intricate wearable promotional product. If you choose to include a wearable tech product for your next campaign, remember that not everyone will know how to use it. Your campaign must connect with a wide audience range, so it’s essential to keep that in mind when choosing the product.
4. Wearable promotional products are a great way to theme events
Wearable branded products are an excellent way to promote an event even when it isn’t occurring.
For example, when Red Tomato was working with the Peninsula Private Hospital for their annual “Fun Run” event to engage community members and promote the services at the hospital. Our team helped them design a branded drawstring bag for each event participant. The branded bag included a branded reusable water bottle, t-shirt, cap, and ice pack.
All products were bright teal and were branded with the Peninsula Private Hospital logo and tagline. The wearable products and it helped participant feel like they were part of a larger community because everyone was matching. The wearable promotional products given away during the event were worn all year round and help promote the upcoming events indirectly.
Imagine yourself in this situation: You come home from a long day at work with a massive headache. Your kids need to eat dinner and do their homework. The best part? One of your smaller family members stuffed a towel into the toilet. Now there is water flowing everywhere, and it’s beginning to seep into the kitchen. What do you do? Do you start researching on Hipages for plumbers in your area, or do you call up your neighbour who had an excellent experience with his last plumber? It’s a no-brainer, and also an example of how powerful referrals are. While you might not own a plumbing business, any company can benefit from recommendations. In the following paragraphs, we’re going to discuss how to use promotional merchandise to increase referrals.
There are so many clever ways to use promotional merchandise to your benefit.
After all, we built our own business around this service! The Promotional Products Association International has determined that 43 percent of people use a promotional product daily. 58 percent of people keep these items for up to four years. By putting your name on merchandise that people often use, you’re always in the back of their minds. We’re assuming that you’re already aware of how fabulous and rewarding promo merch can be. However, If you’re still not convinced, check out our post on how to combine promotional products with marketing automation.
Before proceeding, let’s make one thing clear: If you don’t ask for referrals, they more than likely won’t come pouring in. It’s like asking your Twitter followers to retweet you or requesting that your party guests bring something to drink: Ask and you shall receive. What’s so great about throwing promotional merchandise into the equation is that it’s a mutually beneficial process. Your client gets a free t-shirt, you get a lead to another potential consumer. Everyone is happy.
By now, we’re sure you want to know exactly how to use promotional merchandise to increase referrals.
One way is to literally ingrain that message into your products. For example, at the bottom of your coffee mugs, you could write something like, “Tell your friends know about our xyz company and let us improve your community!” When deciding what to write, consider what sets you apart from your competition. What would motivate clients to spread the word about your service? If your client is pleased with the work you’ve done, they will often be inclined to share their stellar experience with others. The promotional product serves as a kind reminder.
Another effective way to use promotional merchandise to boost your referrals is through a reward system. Say a client has recommended your service to ten people, who thereby hired you. You don’t want to be cheap and send them the same pen you pass out to strangers at events. As we’ve discussed before, people love being acknowledged and appreciated. Show your love by sending this rock star client a unique, elegant gift with your logo on it. This will clearly send the message that you are grateful for their loyalty.
All in all, promotional merchandise is an excellent way to gain referrals from your clients and successfully build your networking base.
Remember, however, that the products are just one part of the process. Think of them as a gateway to open up conversation. Follow up with your clients and be sure to remind them that you appreciate their business. Kindly encourage them to spread the word about you! This is how to use promotional merchandise to increase referrals.
If you need ideas for what kind of products to send to your clients- whether you are sending them an initial product to ask for a referral, or a follow-up reward, please let us know! This is our specialty at Red Tomato, after all!
Have you successfully used promotional merchandise to gain referrals? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!
As a marketing manager, you surely know the importance of using emails as a crucial part of your marketing strategy. Emails are a great way to stay in touch with your loyal consumers, as well as reach out to those who are considering your services. It’s an essential part of marketing. However, adding promotional marketing into your emails can help you achieve higher conversion rates. This allows you to accomplish two things in one email, and who doesn’t want that? Read on to find out how to use promotional marketing in marketing automation.
The benefits of promotional marketing
Promotional marketing is a concept that some people may be on the fence about, since they fear they’re paying to give away merchandise for free. However, as we have discussed before, this is an excellent way to turn would-be clients into loyal customers. When adding promotional products to other media, it increases the effectiveness by 44%. Promotional marketing is very cost-effective, influential way to market your brand and increase your ROI. So, why not add this into your marketing automation and engage more people?
Before you begin to think that this process seems too complicated, or you’re hesitant to add another step to your email marketing campaigns, consider the following: People love free stuff. People are also inundated with hundreds of emails daily from companies wanting their attention. Whether their angle is providing information in the form of a newsletter, offering discounts on products, or an update on your company’s latest, most of these emails are ignored.
Why? Because, unless there’s something tangible in the email, it’s mainly a large waste of time for the consumer. However, if you offer a free promotional product, you’ve hooked in your potential client, and chances are that your call to action will be effective. And with the right product, the consumer will be happy. Happy consumers often become loyal clients, and that should make you happy (and successful!) in return.
Implementing promotional marketing in marketing automation systems
So, how do you go about integrating promotional marketing in marketing automation? First off, make sure that you’re doing email marketing effectively. You need to appeal to the right people with the content and products that will suit them. Make sure that you have a CRM tool that can help you analyze your demographic, and use that information to your advantage. Secondly, make sure that this tool works seamlessly with your email service provider – whether it be MailChimp or one of these equally stellar alternatives.
The last step to completing a successful promotional marketing campaign within your automated marketing system is also the most fun. Check out the wide array of merchandise in our boutique shops and select the perfect customisable products for your consumers. Then, it’s time to plan your campaign! As always, we are here to assist you every step of the way.
Why Red Tomato is right for you
At Red Tomato, we’re more than just a promotional marketing agency. We also provide integrated marketing solutions and want to keep you up to date on the newest technologies that will help your business thrive. If you need any assistance or further information on promotional marketing in marketing automation, please let us know. We are here for you and are more than happy to help with any questions you may have.
Have you used promotional marketing within your marketing automation? What was your experience? Please share in the comments below!
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Swiss Peak Heritage Rollerball Pen &
Swiss Peak Heritage A5 Notebook
Gildan Softstyle – Adult V-Neck T-Shirt (Available in different colors)
Seattle Scarf and Gloves Set
Let executives work and travel in style. From a scarf and gloves set to luxury pens, they can find everything they need with our executive essentials set.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Fuel Coffee Mug (Available in different colors)
Stencil United Crew (Available in different colors)
Cordia Cup (Available in different colors)
Powell Pro Foldable Stand
Atlantis Pen (Available in different colors)
Spark creativity with items that merge inspiration with essentials from a crew sweater to keep them comfortable in work sessions to a foldable gadget stand that helps with a creative desk setup.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Swiss Peak Luzern Pen
Omega Notebook (Available in different colors)
Premium Hood (Available in different colors)
Ritz Bib Apron (Available in different colors)
Metro Cup (Available in different colors)
Blend elegance and simplicity perfect for modern professionals with a premium hood, metro cup, an omega notebook, and more.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Classic Tee
Carnaby Cotton Tote Bag (Available in different colors)
Himalayan Vacuum Tumbler (Available in white color)
Nirvana Backpack
Curate everyday essentials for millennials on the go with items like our cotton tote, vacuum tumbler, and backpack.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Swiss Peak TWS Earbuds
Silicone Phone Wallet (Available in different colors)
Vento Double Wall Cup (Available in different colors)
Everest Beanie (Available in different colors)
Berkeley Backpack
Bring the rizz on with gifts your Gen Z employees can enjoy from TWS earbuds to double wall cups for quick coffee runs.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Adora Aluminium Bottle (Available in black color)
Sonnet Cotton Tote Bag (Available in different colors)
Monza Jute Tote Bag (Available in different colors)
RPET Compact Umbrella (Available in different colors)
Arabica Coffee Mug (Available in different colors)
Show your commitment to going green with a sustainable starter kit with quality and recycled items such as a jute tote bag, RPET compact umbrella, and an aluminum bottle.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Swiss Peak Vacuum Cup
Gildan Softstyle (Available in different colors)
Bondi Bucket Hat (Available in different colors)
Kingston Notebook (Available in different colors)
Corolla Backpack (Available in different colors)
Welcome your newest hires with branded swag that will make them feel part of the team.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Swiss Peak Stealth Vacuum Bottle
Stencil Half Zip Crew (Available in different colors)
Swiss Peak Traveller Umbrella
Silicone Phone Wallet (Available in different colors)
Ritz Bib Apron (Available in different colors)
Surprise & delight key clients, partners, or team members with the finer things like our premium bottle of wine, artisanal cheese selection box, and handpicked assorted gourmet chocolates.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Mirage Glass Bottle (Available in different colors)
Gildan Heavy Cotton (Available in different colors)
Swiss Peak Outdoor Backpack
Everest Beanie (Available in different colors)
Andorra Notebook and Pen Gift Set (Available in different colors)
From practical glass bottles to comfortable beanies, impress new hires with trendy and useful items perfect for the daily grind.
Welcome Pack Inclusions
Swiss Peak TWS Earbuds
Vector Wireless Charger – Square
Omega Notebook (Available in different colors)
Cylon Bluetooth Speaker
The ultimate ensemble for forward-thinking professionals who thrive on creativity and innovation. Each item in this meticulously curated kit enhances both productivity and inspiration.