Imagine yourself in this situation: You come home from a long day at work with a massive headache. Your kids need to eat dinner and do their homework. The best part? One of your smaller family members stuffed a towel into the toilet. Now there is water flowing everywhere, and it’s beginning to seep into the kitchen. What do you do? Do you start researching on Hipages for plumbers in your area, or do you call up your neighbour who had an excellent experience with his last plumber? It’s a no-brainer, and also an example of how powerful referrals are. While you might not own a plumbing business, any company can benefit from recommendations. In the following paragraphs, we’re going to discuss how to use promotional merchandise to increase referrals.

There are so many clever ways to use promotional merchandise to your benefit.

After all, we built our own business around this service! The Promotional Products Association International has determined that 43 percent of people use a promotional product daily. 58 percent of people keep these items for up to four years. By putting your name on merchandise that people often use, you’re always in the back of their minds. We’re assuming that you’re already aware of how fabulous and rewarding promo merch can be. However, If you’re still not convinced, check out our post on how to combine promotional products with marketing automation.

How to Use Promotional Merchandise to Increase Referrals

Before proceeding, let’s make one thing clear: If you don’t ask for referrals, they more than likely won’t come pouring in. It’s like asking your Twitter followers to retweet you or requesting that your party guests bring something to drink: Ask and you shall receive. What’s so great about throwing promotional merchandise into the equation is that it’s a mutually beneficial process. Your client gets a free t-shirt, you get a lead to another potential consumer. Everyone is happy.

By now, we’re sure you want to know exactly how to use promotional merchandise to increase referrals.

One way is to literally ingrain that message into your products. For example, at the bottom of your coffee mugs, you could write something like, “Tell your friends know about our xyz company and let us improve your community!” When deciding what to write, consider what sets you apart from your competition. What would motivate clients to spread the word about your service? If your client is pleased with the work you’ve done, they will often be inclined to share their stellar experience with others. The promotional product serves as a kind reminder.

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Another effective way to use promotional merchandise to boost your referrals is through a reward system. Say a client has recommended your service to ten people, who thereby hired you. You don’t want to be cheap and send them the same pen you pass out to strangers at events. As we’ve discussed before, people love being acknowledged and appreciated. Show your love by sending this rock star client a unique, elegant gift with your logo on it. This will clearly send the message that you are grateful for their loyalty.

All in all, promotional merchandise is an excellent way to gain referrals from your clients and successfully build your networking base.

Remember, however, that the products are just one part of the process. Think of them as a gateway to open up conversation. Follow up with your clients and be sure to remind them that you appreciate their business. Kindly encourage them to spread the word about you! This is how to use promotional merchandise to increase referrals.

If you need ideas for what kind of products to send to your clients- whether you are sending them an initial product to ask for a referral, or a follow-up reward, please let us know! This is our specialty at Red Tomato, after all!

Have you successfully used promotional merchandise to gain referrals? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!