Just as you wouldn’t enlist your grandpa to teach you how to use the newest drone, you wouldn’t want to rely on outdated strategies to launch your company’s next campaign. We are living in the age of information, where technology and business practices are evolving faster than we blink. Common household items like landlines and physical newspapers are becoming obsolete. Meanwhile, robots tend to five-star hotels and hold complex conversations. As Bob Dylan prophesied, the times they are a’ changing, and “you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone.” As such, it is important to discuss old vs. new marketing strategies. Whether you are a Marketing Manager or have run your own business since 1985, you’d better reconcile your nostalgia with cutting edge practices.

Old Marketing Strategies

Back in the days, the travelling salesman was a respected profession. Some bloke would load up a bunch of books, vacuums, or cutlery into his car. He’d head out for a full day of knocking on strangers’ doors, ready to blindly pitch his way into a paycheck. Companies primarily based old marketing on pushing products onto anyone they could reach. It didn’t matter if it was through tv commercials, full-page newspaper ads, or sharky shop salespeople. Because companies didn’t necessarily take client demographics into consideration, everyone was a potential customer. As such, they sent out the message as loudly and widely as possible.

Old Vs. New Marketing

Pushing out products to the masses, or outbound marketing, had its serious downfalls. Not only did people feel pressured to buy unnecessary items, but businesses also wasted a great deal of time and money peddling unwanted products. Conversion rates were low, and consequently, the CPP (cost per person) of each sale was high.

New Marketing Strategies

With the emergence of the internet and the motto of “work smarter, not harder,” things started changing. Companies figured out that there had to be a better way to get clients. Hence the creation of inbound marketing, which was designed to attract the clients to the company. With websites, blogs, and social media channels, the mouse was now in charge of knocking on the cat’s door. Inbound marketing makes the client more comfortable and is also much more calculated, and therefore effective. With Google Analytics and other forms of data analysis, companies can easily find out who their ideal clients are. By honing into those demographics and creating buyer personas, they ensure that they’re not advertising encyclopedias to YouTube fanatics.

Old Vs. New Marketing

How Promotional Products Provide an Integrated Approach

Perhaps you’re ready to embrace new marketing strategies but still have your reservations. After all, strategies like email marketing are still effective when done properly. Thankfully, there is a way to reconcile the old with the new. Promotional merchandise is a perfect way to use inbound and outbound marketing tactics together. People love to receive free stuff, so why not use promotional products as an incentive? For example, you give a potential client the latest style of coffee mug she’s been wanting. Now, every time she serves a cup of joe, your logo will remind her of how awesome your company is. With your website imprinted on that merch, you have merged old vs. new marketing. This is a very effective way of moving prospects through your marketing funnel faster and turn them into paying customers. Get ready for the best results ever.

Old Vs. New Marketing

What is your position on old vs. new marketing strategies? Have you found a way to successfully reconcile these practices? Let us know your experiences in the comments below!