At Red Tomato, we believe that today’s most successful marketing campaigns go beyond just digital alone. They focus on a comprehensive approach that includes both online and tangible executions to provide a full product experience that customers love. We’ve defined this as ‘marketing you can touch’. Indeed, the most successful brands today are doing this quite a lot.

Take, for example, Apple’s products, which bring technology to life through its interactive genius bars and iconic accessories. Similarly, fashion labels like Chanel and Louis Vuitton have engaging window installations and a unique packaging experience that goes far beyond just selling handbags and shoes. Even car brands like Aston Martin and mainstream clothing labels like Topshop allow you to customise everything with colours, logos or embroidered personalisation. All these strategies leave a lasting impression, and no one understands this better than us at Red Tomato. In fact, we’ve revolutionised our entire approach to help businesses like yours do this. Now, you can be amongst those brands providing the full experience and earning excellent results that smash your goals. Let’s explore how you can take full advantage of marketing you can touch.

Changing the whole marketing experience

Changing the whole marketing perspective

Your customers are looking for more than just ads today. Sure, they love all the most popular social media platforms and videos, but they see these things every day. Therefore, to get noticed and excite them, you need to provide the full product experience. So, to help, we’ve broken this down into our four pillars of product experience. With this unique approach, you can take full advantage of our services and get the best outcome for your brand.

The four pillars of product experience

Pillar one: Research and strategy 

The best executions start with a strong understanding and knowledge foundation. While you know your business and industry inside out, having us provide an external perspective and conduct first-hand research will reveal fresh, previously unconsidered opportunities. So, to begin, we work with you to investigate market trends, brainstorm customer behaviours and create plans, all based on a foundation of insights and ideas. This ensures we have a full understanding of your industry, your audience and what’s happening. To do this effectively, we collaborate with you to undertake:

  • Client Workshops
  • Consumer Behaviour Research
  • Market Planning
  • Campaign Development
  • Strategic Management
  • Digital Media Planning

This pillar is exciting as we can combine our insights with your knowledge to create a product experience that your customers will love.

Pillar two: Product innovation

From a strong foundation, we can grow. In line with the theme of marketing you can touch, we create bespoke branded products using industrial design and custom prototyping. This adds an extra personalised and rewarding experience for your customers. Being unique is the most effective way to be memorable, and in a competitive market, we want you to stand out. This is why we use a range of resources and expertise to create product innovation through:

  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
  • Custom Moulding
  • Prototyping
  • Decoration Methods
  • Industrial Design
  • Bespoke Product Consultation

The pillar allows us to work together to solidify your product experience by providing you with bespoke products that make an impact.

Pillar three: Creative services

Now, let’s have some fun! Logo of creative service At this stage, we fortify and truly differentiate your brand with creative solutions. These range from designs and graphics to creative direction and content marketing, providing a powerful way to connect with your audience. After all, we can’t create the ultimate product experience for your customers without creative services like this. Our team of design and content specialists are available to create custom designs and bespoke branding elements that embody your brand. This includes services like:

  • Copywriting
  • Graphic Design
  • Digital Content Creation
  • Long & Short-Form Content
  • Art Direction
  • Website Development

At this stage, you have all of your communications prepared and ready.

Pillar four: Marketing solutions

Now, it’s time to execute. This ensures your brand gets seen, your marketing is felt, and your product is experienced. To effectively implement your strategy, we work with you to provide marketing direction, tactics, and the right channels. This helps create deep roots that sprout into success. Our Marketing Services specialists are here by your side to ensure you achieve the results you deserve through:

  • Omnichannel Integration
  • Ads Management
  • Analytical Reporting
  • Social Media Management
  • Promotional
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation

These marketing solutions take care of the roll-out of your campaigns so that your audience will experience marketing that they can touch. Want to see the potential ROI from incorporating promotional products into your mix? See our ROI Calculator here. 

Putting this all together for you

As you can see, we’re here to support you in offering the full product experience for your audience. From initial marketing strategy and digital campaigns to promotional products and more, Red Tomato helps you connect with all the senses of your customers. This results in a memorable journey that fosters brand recognition and loyalty.

Let’s smash your marketing goals together

So, do you want to take full advantage of our four pillars to provide the ultimate product experience? If so, we’d love to discuss your project. At Red Tomato, our mission is to help businesses connect with their customers and audience through innovative promo product campaigns and creative strategies. If you want to make that move towards meeting your customers’ needs and delighting them with marketing they can touch, visit our Product Experience page and see what Red Tomato can do for you. Or, if you are ready to start brainstorming your next campaign, you can start here.