We’re about to hit start on another year!  Yes – this past year won’t exactly make it to the top 10 list, but this coming year is looking promising. So – what’s your marketing plan looking like? Have you thought about your promotional campaigns for 2021?  Let’s show you some examples that will get those creative juices flowing and inspire you to make next year your best ever.

How promotional marketing drives business success

How promotional marketing drives business success

Marketing covers a broad range of executions, from digital to print, content to paid, experience and promotional. However, businesses often don’t consider the power that promo marketing can have on the overall success of a campaign. Creative promotional initiatives have a way of connecting with the emotions of your audiences while carrying a strong representation of your brand. Their tangible nature and creative potential connects with clients, builds conversions and makes a lasting impression like nothing else can. Think about an email or social media post. It’s fleeting and easily ignored. But will you ignore a branded gift basket? How about a towel, mug or mobile phone case? Unlikely! And the sky is the limit with these kinds of promotional branded items. Promotional products can generate excellent results for your marketing campaigns – if they’re done right. Here are a few examples to show you how promotional products benefit a brands’ marketing.

Some examples of great promotional campaigns

At Red Tomato, we love creating and executing smart, fun and innovative ideas.  Here are some examples we’ve seen that we think will inspire you. 

Some examples of great promotional campaigns
Domino’s Pizza’s 60th BirthdayDominos Pizza with a baby on the right side

In celebration of their sixtieth year serving up the world’s favourite fast food, Domino’s is giving 60 years’ worth of pizza to the family of a baby named “Dominic” or “Dominique” born in Australia on the 9th of December.  This generous move by the company not only inspires engagement, but also promotes its product and creates a real feel-good buzz in the market. Who doesn’t love that idea?

Free Dettol hygiene kits for Uber drivers and passengers

Where do people need hand sanitiser? When they’re out and about. Promotional Marketing Campaigns, Promotional Marketing Campaigns to Inspire You In 2023 This clever partnership with Uber and Dettol gives drivers and their passengers access to branded Dettol hygiene kits. This initiative to create a cleaner and healthier world is an effective promotional campaign for both brands, as it offers practical benefits for everyone while boosting their products and services. Every single customer using Uber would notice this.



Heineken’s six-foot social distancing cooler

With all of the social distancing going on, Heineken created a six-foot (1.8m) cooler in a boisterous effort to encourage the recommended distance to avoid the spreadPromotional Marketing Campaigns, Promotional Marketing Campaigns to Inspire You In 2023 of COVID-19. 

This product is great, not only because it stores lots of cold beer, but it’s also an effective campaign for the brand – not to mention how timely and relevant it is. The campaign addresses a problem, offers a solution, while promoting the brand through a promotional product in a fun way.

“Bigger is always better, and what better way to practise a safe social distance than with an esky/icebox/ chilly bin? On top of that, it also solves a problem.” – Zack from Red Tomato. 

BWS: 100 days of summer campaign

Who doesn’t love prizes? This campaign by BWS offers $7 million worth of prizes and $25 million worth of Woolworths Everyday Reward points for people who simply Infographic about real time trackingdownload their free app and play a fun game.  This type of promo marketing campaign encourages engagement between the audience and the brand’s digital assets – in this case, the app.

Everything on their app is branded, creating an opportunity to place their marketing right in the hands of their audience.

“It’s an instant win sales promotion and reward program. It encourages people to download the app and involves online as well as offline elements.” – Tyrone from Red Tomato. 

Well, are you feeling inspired for your own marketing in 2023?

We hope you are!  Because we can help you create just as exciting promo campaigns around your brand too. Ones that customers won’t forget and will earn great results. As creative marketing experts, we can help create and put these campaigns into action so you’re all ready for a big year ahead.

Check out our new creative services that you can combine with your promotional marketing! 

How Red Tomato can help

Red Tomato won’t let your inspiration go to waste! We provide the best promotional products and campaigns that will enhance your marketing in 2021.  This coming year, we can help you empower your brand to achieve those goals. With our passion and expertise for branding and marketing, you’ll be assured of promotional campaigns that will grow your business even more. 

Start here to get personalised promotional campaign ideas.