The month of February has arrived, and LOVE is in the air. Just walk into your nearest shopping centre or convenience store and the proof will stare you in the face. Over-sized teddy bears, pink and red hearts, sappy Hallmark cards, and chocolates galore are everywhere. Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and it’s time to show your LOVE and appreciation. It doesn’t matter if you’re single; this isn’t just about romance. If you own a business, you still need to demonstrate your gratitude for others. Read on to discover just how to make clients LOVE you.


Promotional Products

It’s crucial to make your customers fall head-over-heels in LOVE with your service. However, passionate letters won’t get you quite the reaction you’re looking for. In 2016, we discussed the importance of showing your gratitude in order to make your clients happy. There are many ways to show your clients that you’re grateful for their loyalty, and using promotional products is a very effective approach. Everyone loves receiving unexpected gifts in the mail, especially when these items are tailored and personalised. Not only does gift giving make your client feel special, it also sets you apart from your competitors. A client who feels loved is much more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.

Getting your clients to LOVE you requires research and analysis. If you’re not sure what to gift your clients, perhaps you don’t know them well enough. Dig deep into your demographic, discover their wants and needs, and then surpass what they expect. Nowadays, great customer service just isn’t enough. Each client wants to feel important and be addressed personally.

valentines day promo products

Solution-Based Content

In addition to receiving personalised gifts, people also want readily-accessible information. Sure, there are always search engines like Google and Bing, but why not make your clients’ lives easier by offering your own material? It’s up to you whether you choose to provide data-driven reports, business newsletters, or revelatory blog posts. We highly recommend doing this within your marketing automation. Find out what your clients’ biggest concerns are, and write a detailed article offering effective solutions. Share new trends in their field, and become their go-to source for cutting-edge news and quality service. This will not only make clients LOVE you, it will also increase your engagement and trust. When your clients become successful because of your assistance, everyone wins.

This Valentine’s Day, make your clients LOVE you like it’s your very first encounter. Remind them why they chose you out of the thousands of businesses that offer your service. Skip the roses and LOVE letters, but don’t shy away from gifts altogether. Whether it’s a simple thank you note or a special promotional product, don’t let this holiday go by without recognising your clients. These small actions are sure to make each customer feel the LOVE- and reciprocate as well. There is no time in business for unrequited LOVE.

If you need assistance in selecting the perfect promotional product for your clients, please don’t hesitate to ask! If you are not sure how to provide your clients with information they are seeking, let us know! We at Red Tomato are here to answer your questions and help you become the best version of your company.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Please leave any comments, questions, or additional ideas about how to make clients LOVE you below!