Starting a new job can be an overwhelming experience. One way companies can set the tone and make the transition smoother for their newest hires is through an employee joining kit. 

An employee onboarding kit, sometimes called a welcome pack, is a package that contains important resources, tools, and information that are designed to help new employees get up to speed in their new roles.

In this article, we’ll go over what makes an effective employee joining kit, the benefits it can bring to both companies and employees, and the best practices you need to know to create the perfect welcome kit for your organisation. 

Employee Onboarding Kit

What is an Employee Joining Kit?

An employee joining kit is a collection of materials given to new hires on the first day. These are items that both inform and inspire new employees for their new role as a part of the company. 

  • Items that inform — These can be items such as company policies, culture pamphlets, set-up guides, and other tools and resources that can help set them up for success and get them more acquainted with the company and their team. 

Items That Inform

  • Items that inspire — These are items that are not mandatory but can improve their quality of life, make them feel a sense of belonging, and make them feel valued and appreciated. These can be in the form of a welcome letter, company merchandise, tech accessories, and other personalised gifts.

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Research shows that effective onboarding can improve the employee retention rate by 52% and increase employee productivity by 60%. This means that the positive impact that an employee joining kit can have is crucial to the onboarding process’ success. 

Why Do Companies Give Welcome Kits?

Give a Warm Welcome

Joining a new job is a big day. Providing welcome kits is just one way to extend a warm welcome. Go the extra mile by making them feel like they already belong to the team and that they are valued. This feeling of belonging from day one can help increase their morale and engagement with your company’s activities and initiatives. This is helpful for remote teams where it’s harder to feel connected and welcomed. 

Employee Onboarding Kit - A Warm Welcome Kit

Share Knowledge and Resources

Employee welcome kits include items that inform them such as organisational charts, employee handbooks, and other IT equipment. These are items that help supplement the introductions and onboarding program already in place by the HR department. They can also be practical items that they would need on their jobs such as company-issued laptops and other tech accessories. 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Enhance Company Culture 

Welcome kits are a good avenue to provide merchandise and materials that reflect the branding and culture of your organisation. This helps them understand and experience the culture firsthand through thoughtful items. If you’re a company that’s serious about your values, then this is the best way to show it off. 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Reduce Onboarding Time

Cut down on the onboarding process with the help of a well-designed onboarding kit that has all the necessary items and tools. This helps prepare your new hires to transition faster into their roles. 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Create Brand Advocates

Stylish and well-thought-out items in the onboarding kit can help turn your employees into walking brand ambassadors when they take it outside of the workplace. These can even become sharable content online for when new hires post about how much your company invests in their people. Organic promotion like this can help enhance your company’s image and attract potential talent.

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

How to Customise Your Employee Joining Kits? 

Employee joining kits come in many different shapes and forms. The contents of a welcome kit would vary depending on the company’s culture, industry, and level of individual personalisation. 

Crafting the Perfect Kit: Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Employee Joining Kit 

The perfect employee joining kit reflects your company culture and values the most. We’ve rounded up some of the essentials to a welcome kit that you can add to yours. 

Company Swag

When choosing company swag or merchandise, make sure the items are high-quality and something that they will use regularly. This means that instead of slapping the biggest logo possible, try to go for wearability—something they can wear outside of the office, the better. 

Our picks: 

  • T-shirt 
  • Hoodie
  • Vacuum Water Jug 
  • Notebook with Pen
  • Laptop Bag

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Welcome Letter

Craft a personalised letter from the CEO or department head that formally welcomes the new hire to the team. The letter can detail more about the company culture, mission, and employee value proposition (EVP). 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Essential Documents

Provide all the necessary documents they would need to get them up-to-speed on the company and culture. Here are some documents to consider: 

  • Employee contracts
  • Benefit information packets
  • Company policy handbooks

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Team Information

Your new hire’s team will be the ones they will be closely interacting with daily. Facilitating the connection between new hires and the existing team can be made easier with items like: 

  • Organisational chart
  • Team information and contact details
  • Welcome message from the team

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Local Tips

Get creative and think of showing them tips and recommendations based on your office’s location. Show them the best nearby restaurants, cafes, or interesting activities that your new hire can try before or after the work day. The best part? This helps show that you value the work-life balance of your new hires! 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Technology Setup Guide

Identify the essentials that your new hire will need. These are things like the employee handbook, access cards, software accounts, and IT equipment (e.g. laptop, phone, etc.). Be sure to include a step-by-step guide to help them set up their work equipment. 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Personal Touch

Once you’ve got the items covered, it’s time to think about adding a personal touch. Tailoring your employee welcome kit is a small gesture that can go a long way. You can tailor it to their department or industry or go one level deeper by tailoring it per person—engraved pens, anyone? If you’re set on personalising it for the individual, you can release a pre-onboarding survey to learn more about the hobbies and interests of your newest team members. 

employee joining kits, Understanding Employee Joining Kits: A Complete Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What should be avoided in a welcome kit?

Avoid using items that are outdated, low-quality, and contain irrelevant information. As much as possible try to cut it down to only the essentials and items that can benefit your new hires. 

How much budget should you allocate for a welcome kit? 

Our standard welcome kits range from $55 to $100 per 50 units, with the price varying based on the quantity and type of items selected.

The budget for the welcome kit should reflect how much value your company places on onboarding and creating a good first impression. The key is to balance both quality and cost while ensuring that you make it impactful. 

How can I make my onboarding kit eco-friendly?

Creating a more sustainable onboarding kit is possible through the use of biodegradable packaging, including eco-friendly products, minimising the use of paper, and choosing suppliers that incorporate sustainable practices. 

Can digital tools be included in the onboarding kit?

Of course! For remote work and roles that rely heavily on technology, you can include digital tools and resources. These can be software licenses, account credentials, access to online training, and links to online company resources. 

Making Onboarding Fun with Employee Joining Kits

An employee joining kit can make a world of difference in welcoming new hires to the team. These thoughtful packages can boost morale, build company loyalty, and increase employee engagement and productivity from the get-go. The key is in personalisation and quality. By tailoring the kit to the individual and including high-quality items, you can create a lasting positive impression. 

At Red Tomato, we know how to make the best first impression with promotional products. Get started on your custom employee joining kits to level up your onboarding. Speak with our team today! 

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