When someone looks for the perfect job, fair compensation is just the beginning of the hunt. As a Human Resources or Hiring Manager, you are aware of the challenge of creating—as well as maintaining– a brilliant team. LinkedIn’s worldwide study has shown that most workers want to feel that their work has a purpose in addition to earning an income. If your staff goes home every night feeling underappreciated and dreads coming to the office every morning, chances are they’re not fulfilled. Not only does this predict a high turn-over rate, it also means that your employees are three times less productive. In this article, we will discuss ways to show your team gratitude, and why doing this will benefit your company.

Image text - most workers want to feel their work has a purpose in addition to earning an income

Ways to Show Your Team Gratitude

We’ve previously discussed the art of giving and gratitude during the holiday season, but a successful business is aware that this is a year-round effort. It’s imperative that you show your employees, as well as your clients, that you care about them. Viewing your staff as worker bees or cogs in a machine is the quickest, most efficient way to fail as a business. Engaging your employees is the first step toward success. The most crucial step, however, is showing your appreciation. Here are some ways to show your team gratitude, no matter what time of the year it is:

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How Showing Appreciation Will Benefit Your Company

Recognizing your team’s accomplishments is one of the easiest ways to show your gratitude. As mentioned above, this could be done through integrative work programs like a wellness center or a monthly happy hour. You can also demonstrate appreciation simply by praising your staff or sending them a thank you note for hitting their quarterly goal. It doesn’t matter how large your budget is, because the payoffs of having inspired, purposeful employees are endless. By simply appreciating your employees, you will be able to:

  • Increase loyalty and decrease turnover rate
  • Improve individual productivity
  • Create a positive company culture
  • Entice others to join your team

Image text - it doesn't matter how large your budget is, because the payoffs of having inspired, purposeful employees are endless

From any perspective, employees are essential to your business’s well-being. Your staff is the face of your company, its driving force, and largely the reason behind its success. According to Forbes, one of the top five reasons why 80 percent of businesses fail is poor leadership. As a team manager, one of your most important responsibilities is to make sure that your employees are engaged, loyal, and eager to work. The solution couldn’t be simpler: show your gratitude.

Still not sure how to show your gratitude? Take a look at Red Tomato’s corporate employee appreciation gifts and thank you gifts ideas!

How do you show gratitude to your team? What are the overall benefits of doing so? Please let us know in the comments below!

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