The main reason people keep promotional items is because they’re genuinely useful. That’s why products like pens, notebooks, and t-shirts are so popular—they provide real value. Beyond simple utility, branded merchandise as a branding tool and finding effective ways to use these items can enhance how customers connect with your brand. Here are some of the newest wearable promotional products to make your brand stand out:

Promotional clothing

Wearable promotional clothing like t-shirts and shorts can be a great way to stand out to your target audience. Not only does promotional clothing build a sense of loyalty to your brand in the person who receives it, it also shows off your brand to anyone who sees that t-shirt or clothing being worn.

Gifting promotional clothing is a great way to build trust with a larger audience. While you may only be gifting the item to one single person, they are acting as a walking and talking recommendation of your brand to the public.

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wearable promotional products

Promotional caps and accessories

Genuinely useful promotional products like caps, socks, thongs are a great way to connect with your audience. People will use wearable promotional products that are useful to them and they will think of your brand whenever they use your product. However, as with any promotional product campaign, timing is essential.

For example, a beer company wants to give out promotional cap during summer to promote the launch of a new beer. They pair the campaign with a deal for a cricket match. Anyone who wears the cap to the match will receive a 20% discount on any purchases of their beer at the match. This is a useful product for the type of event, a well as for the product campaign it’s promoting.

wearable promotional products

Wearable tech

Wearable technology’s popularity, and revenue, is increasing year to year. These types of products in the fitness sector are arguably the most popular; including wearable fitness trackers and footwear designed to sync with your smartphone. However, from smartwatches to period cycle trackers, there are many other wearable technology that your brand can use in their promotional product campaign.

Some of the world’s largest brands are using wearable tech. Learn how Google and Levi are teaming up to create the most innovative wearable technology.

Needs some wearable product inspiration? Check out our catalog of wearable products.

wearable promotional products

Tips for running a campaign with wearable promotional products

1. Keep in mind the importance of colours

Colours are important for your branding and your messaging. Colours of your wearable promotional products look nice and stay consistent with your company’s branding. They should also go along with the psychology of the message your want to portray to your customer.

wearable promotional products

2. Deliver consistent and clear brand message

As with any promotional product, wearable products must be used only when it makes sense for your campaigns. You wouldn’t gift promotional long-sleeve shirts when you’re trying to get customers to purchase bathing suits for summer. Use wearable technology products only when it makes sense for the message you are trying to convey.

3. Stay simple

There’s no need to purchase an extremely complex or intricate wearable promotional product. If you choose to include a wearable tech product for your next campaign, remember that not everyone will know how to use it. Your campaign must connect with a wide audience range, so it’s essential to keep that in mind when choosing the product.

4. Wearable promotional products are a great way to theme events

Wearable branded products are an excellent way to promote an event even when it isn’t occurring.

For example, when Red Tomato was working with the Peninsula Private Hospital for their annual “Fun Run” event to engage community members and promote the services at the hospital. Our team helped them design a branded drawstring bag for each event participant. The branded bag included a branded reusable water bottle, t-shirt, cap, and ice pack.

All products were bright teal and were branded with the Peninsula Private Hospital logo and tagline. The wearable products and it helped participant feel like they were part of a larger community because everyone was matching. The wearable promotional products given away during the event were worn all year round and help promote the upcoming events indirectly.

wearable promotional products

(See the full case study here: Peninsula Private Hospital Fun Runs)

Are you looking to utilize wearable promotional products or wearable tech for your next event or campaign? Learn how you can utilize branded uniforms to leverage your brand.